Goody & His Girl

Goody & His Girl

All My Kiddos

All My Kiddos
This pic is from '04

Friday, November 24, 2006


Julia at 9 months

Bj, Mikey, & Julie blowing bubbles 2000

Julia singing away (2 1/2)

Julia 2004

Julia now

Julia is our angel. No, she's not always perfect all the time, but she has a heart of gold. She's patient, kind, and thoughtful. My favorite thing about her is her heart for prayer. She prays for others dilligently. It has been almost 8 months since Brad's wreck and Julia has not missed one single day of praying for him. She also prays for Sister Dupree every single night. No wonder Jesus said we must have the heart of a child. She's always thinking of others needs.
Julia is almost 9 and she likes singing, baseball, Math, and being with her friends.Her best friends are Perry and Abby Donnafield, and Stephanie and Abbie Letcher.
We feel so blessed to have her in our life.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


B.J. kissing new baby Mikey.

B.J.(2) & Mikey(7 mos)

Michael in 2004

Mikey's 6th birthday

Isn't he a good lookin' boy!?!

Michael is 11 1/2. He'll be a V.L.B. next May! He's getting tall. I expect next summer to be that magical summer when he grows 4" and all the big changes start to happen.

He's a good boy. Very tenderhearted and lovable( unless your B.J.). The two of them fight like cats and dogs. Imagine that!

He likes Spanish, music, tossing around the football, and video games, video games, video games!

His best friend is David Letcher. When we go to Kentucky they pair up and don't seperate until we leave. I think they're going to be life long friends like their mommas.

Monday, November 20, 2006


I thought I would write a post about each one of the kids. Mom's like to brag you know. Really, I know some of you haven't seen them in awhile so I hope you will enjoy seeing how much they've grown.

B.J. when he was little.

Wasn't he sooo cute?!

B.J. 1997

B.J. 9 years old
Last May on a field trip to Chattanooga
(he's actually 2" taller than me now!)

B.J. holding baby Sam

Unbelievably, B.J. will be thirteen in a few weeks. Is it possible that my 5lb 7oz baby could now be a 5'8" 155lb teenager! I'm feeling all those same feelings that you have when your expecting your first baby-am I ready for this, will I be a good mom, what kind of mistakes will I make, there's so much I don't know. At the same time I'm filled with anticipation at watching him become a man-what will he look like, what profession will he chose, will he fall in love. I think, though, the part that is giving me the most mix of emotions is the fact that he is now spiritually accountable-will he remember everything I've taught him, will he make the right choices, will he be a leader or a follower. All you seasoned moms of teens please leave me some advice and lots of prayer! I told B.J., "You've never been a teenager and I've never been the mom of a teenager, so I'll be patient with you and you be patient with me, and we'll get through this together!" I think being humble makes a difference too. I'm not to proud to say I'm sorry when I make a mistake. What's hard is finding the balance of love and dicipline. But then that's how every stage of parenting is. I try to dicipline them each according to their individual temperments and ages. After all their each five different people with five different needs.

Enough deep thought for now.

B.J. is into Science, Animals, Sports, Video Games, and any thing that involves an adventure.

He is also prematurely obsessing about driving. To make things worse his dad let him pull the van up to the door in the parking lot at church. We were the only ones there, so at least there were no pedestrians to worry about, and Bryon was sitting right there next to him guiding his every move. I guess with three years of training he might be a good driver? I'm not even ready to think about that right now!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

New addiction

I'm having fun with this bloggin' stuff, but I'll have to be careful, it's addictive! I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone without having to make a trip to the post office or skim through a hundred emails. Not that I don't enjoy email, this is just cool 'cause I can tell everyone at once what I want to and I can share pics too! Please excuse my enthusiasm, most of you have been doin' this for awhile. I'm going to try to post every day this week if I can. If you stop by please try to leave me a comment, even if it's just,"hello". Thanks. Bye for now. Bec

Friday, November 17, 2006

just getting started

Well, I'm finally gettin' with the program! I don't know how often I'll have time to blog, but I hope I'll be able to keep in touch better with everyone. I'll be putting more pics, and sharing about the kids soon. Luv To Ya All!

P.S. I'm also on