Goody & His Girl

Goody & His Girl

All My Kiddos

All My Kiddos
This pic is from '04

Monday, November 20, 2006


I thought I would write a post about each one of the kids. Mom's like to brag you know. Really, I know some of you haven't seen them in awhile so I hope you will enjoy seeing how much they've grown.

B.J. when he was little.

Wasn't he sooo cute?!

B.J. 1997

B.J. 9 years old
Last May on a field trip to Chattanooga
(he's actually 2" taller than me now!)

B.J. holding baby Sam

Unbelievably, B.J. will be thirteen in a few weeks. Is it possible that my 5lb 7oz baby could now be a 5'8" 155lb teenager! I'm feeling all those same feelings that you have when your expecting your first baby-am I ready for this, will I be a good mom, what kind of mistakes will I make, there's so much I don't know. At the same time I'm filled with anticipation at watching him become a man-what will he look like, what profession will he chose, will he fall in love. I think, though, the part that is giving me the most mix of emotions is the fact that he is now spiritually accountable-will he remember everything I've taught him, will he make the right choices, will he be a leader or a follower. All you seasoned moms of teens please leave me some advice and lots of prayer! I told B.J., "You've never been a teenager and I've never been the mom of a teenager, so I'll be patient with you and you be patient with me, and we'll get through this together!" I think being humble makes a difference too. I'm not to proud to say I'm sorry when I make a mistake. What's hard is finding the balance of love and dicipline. But then that's how every stage of parenting is. I try to dicipline them each according to their individual temperments and ages. After all their each five different people with five different needs.

Enough deep thought for now.

B.J. is into Science, Animals, Sports, Video Games, and any thing that involves an adventure.

He is also prematurely obsessing about driving. To make things worse his dad let him pull the van up to the door in the parking lot at church. We were the only ones there, so at least there were no pedestrians to worry about, and Bryon was sitting right there next to him guiding his every move. I guess with three years of training he might be a good driver? I'm not even ready to think about that right now!


AKCameraGuy said...

welcome to the blogging world!!!

Momma Tammi said...

Wow! Has it been 13 years alrady? brain is a mite foggy, so any advice or encouragement given at this moment, might not help or make any sense, so...I'll pass on giving any at this time. I'm still trying to get used to being the mom of two adult sons who just happen to still live at home. ~grin~

Unknown said...

sorry :P i was signed in under his name. my bad. it's meg:)

princessbuttercup94 said...
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princessbuttercup94 said...

Hey Aunt Beck. Trust me you'll do just fine.You already have.I have a right to say that cause I've know you my whole life or would it be you've know me my whole life?I don't know either way I think so.Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!